In order to improve the content and usability of this website, it automatically collects data from the users. This information includes the following:
The apparent Internet Protocol address of your Internet Service Provider and/or your computer.
The type of browser (such as, for example Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Fire fox, etc.) used and the operating system resident on a user's computer.
The date and time a user visited the site.
The web pages accessed at the site, as well as any applications used and forms data.
The Uniform Resource Locator of the site which a user visited prior to this (if detectable), if such user did not connect directly to this website, or use it as a homepage or Portal.
JMC uses this information to identify the site's performance needs; to ensure compatibility with the technology used by the website's visitors, and to add and improve services offered on this website. In order to accomplish those goals, from time to time, JMC may conduct statistical analysis of the data it collects. JMC does not collect data for commercial or marketing purposes, and does not sell, exchange or otherwise distribute the data collected by this website for commercial or marketing purposes.
During a session on this website, a user may affirmatively submit information to JMC by, among other means, electronic mail, by filling in and submitting an on-line form, or by electing to personalize this website and use it as a customized portal.
Such affirmatively submitted information is stored in a secure environment, and will be used by JMC in furtherance of its duties and/or obligations to its citizenry.The governmental purposes to which affirmatively submitted information may be put include, but are not limited to, the following:
JMC does not rent or sell personally identifiable information (i.e., information such as name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc., which identifies a user as a particular person), nor would JMC exchange or trade such information with third-parties without a user's explicit permission.
JMC does not disclose credit card or other personally identifiable financial information other than as necessary to complete a credit card or other financial transaction, or upon explicit permission from the applicable user.
If a user of this website has elected not to receive further information from JMC, this website will not send such information. If a user of this website has elected to receive further communication from JMC, this website will only send information in categories that have been authorized. If this website sends electronic mail to a user, such e-mail is NOT confidential, and is identical in nature to that information generally available to the public and news media.
In certain instances, a user may have the opportunity to receive or create a password to access or submit personally identifiable information. Here, JMC requests the user to not divulge his/her password to anyone. We at JMC will never ask a user for a password in a telephone call, fax, e-mail or other form of unsolicited communication.
When a user is finished with an application or applications that are password protected, such user should exit the relevant page(s).
If the browser used to access said password protected pages is a publicly-accessible browser, users should close down the entire session and, if applicable or possible, flush any temporary caches or other areas where such a password might be stored subsequent to use. JMC has integrated industry standard or better security measures and systems into the design, implementation and day-to-day operation of this website and its underlying servers and networks. Furthermore, JMC maintains ongoing efforts to identify and/or block unauthorized intrusions into or onto this website, and to upload to or change information on or otherwise cause damage to this website or the information resident hereon or submitted hereto.
This website generally does not use persistent cookies. Cookies are text files, or entries in larger files, utilized to distinguish between visitors to a website, and to track information during multiple visits to a website. JMC uses temporary cookies on some parts of this website, and such temporary cookies expire upon the end of the browsing session. If a user registers to use this website as a customized portal, it uses a persistent cookie to facilitate such customization.
The use of cookies is a standard practice among Internet websites. Most Internet web browsers may be customized to reject cookies, to only accept or reject cookies by user intervention, or to delete cookies. Rejecting and/or removing cookies, however, may lead to loss of functionality on those this website pages requiring cookies to function fully.
Additionally, if a user has created a customized version of this website, it will create a cookie that contains the user's unique identifier and indicator for any custom content modules requested and, if a user elected the "remember me" option for signing in to this website, the cookie will contain a user's password. Deletion of such a cookie could result in the loss of one's customized this website portal setting.
This web site provides links to, and may be linked from, local, state and central government agencies, and from, or to, other websites. The existence and/or provision of those links neither constitutes nor implies endorsement of the destination or departure website(s) or of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policy(ices), product(s), accessibility or privacy policy of said destination or departure website(s). Nor does any link between this website and a third-party website imply sponsorship of such website, or the creator of such website.